March 21, 2014

Search Bing, get points, exchange them for free Sephora gift cards!

I've been doing this for a while-searching Bing and getting points. So far I have exchanged my points for a $5 Starbucks card, $5 Fandango card (there is a fee to book movies online), 60 minute credit with Skype (beware it ended up being only 20 minutes to call Russia :( , and my favorite----Sephora gift cards!!!!

Where is the catch? I don't know; I've been doing this for a while, and so far free Sephora gift cards are awesome.

Here is the link to join Bing search program:

All you have to do is conduct 30 searches a day (2 searches equal 1 point), collect 525 points (475 if you hold a Gold status), and exchange it for a $5 Sephora gift card. It does take patience, but a free Sephora gift card always sounds good to me!!!!

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