March 9, 2014

Sick days DIY remedies

I got sick :( so I decided to share what I do recover faster:

1. Drink natural apple cider vinegar (1 tea spoon per glass of water) instead of just water-it tastes like lemonade and helps fight cold symptoms by helping your immune system. Some people even add honey, sugar, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper.

2. Eat natural raw honey instead of sugar. You can add into your beverage of choice or simply sick on a teaspoon full of honey; it helps sore throat.

3. Eat lemons. Add lemons into tea, food, and almost everything else. Lemons contain a high amount of vitamin C which acts as a natural antibiotic helping fight infections. Btw, lemon juice diluted with water (1 part lemon juice, 1 part baking soda, 10 parts water) helps whiten teeth or whiten face. Do it once a week otherwise lemon juice can dissolve tooth enamel or burn sensitive face skin.

4. Sleep a lot (that's my favorite part). Humans are supposed to sleep 9-10 hours a day according to Harvard Journal of Medicine. While you are sick, you need to add nap time to your regular sleep time to help your body recover.

5. Do homemade "vaporubs". I hate putting vaporubs on myself, so I do my own kind of vaporubs that doesn't leave nasty feeling on my skin. There are two methods that I use: I mix regular store brand vaporub with backing soda and place the mixture in the bathtub right before I take a shower (if I don't have a fever). Second method includes mixing water, baking soda, spearmint oil, eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil. After the mixture dries out, put in the shower and enjoy the aroma!

6. Do self massage. Massage your temple points, nose points, eye points, and ear point. I simply apply pressure to those point.

7. Drink freshly squeezed juices. Since many of us loose appetite while being sick, we end up eating food with no nutritional value. Try drinking freshly squeezed juices get nutrients you need!

These little tricks help me recover faster, I hope you find them useful!

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