January 15, 2014

Easy every day activities that make you look gorgeous

Before I post another article about easy couponing, I decided to make a list of easy day activities everyone can do to stay gorgeous:

Smile a lot! It's proven smiling helps produce serotonin,  and serotonin makes you happy.

I make sure every day I spend at least 5-10 exercising. Most of the time I don't feel like going to a gym, so I stretch on the sofa or in bed while watching tv . I also work my legs while watching tv or even writing in my blog!
Exercising seems hard to do, but if you do something that you enjoy: stretching, lifting your legs up in the air, dancing for 5 minutes,  or doing yoga, you'll boost the production of serotonin.

3. Take a shower at least once a day.
That's easy-don't forget to stay clean!

4. Exfoliate your body with a scrub.
By removing old skin from your body, you renew your skin, and stay young!

4. Take off your make up completely!
Many woman don't abide by this rule, but this one is a life safer! You can use baby wipes (I buy mine from 99 cents store mentioned in my previous post) which makes make up removal super easy. By removing all make up you save on facials!

5. Moisturize!
Skin needs moisture and not only from your favorite jar in the bathroom,  but also from "inside". Drink plenty of water every day.

6.Sleep at least 8-10 hours (Yes! Harvard medical journal published a new study suggesting 9-10 hour sleep time!)
Yes;)) Sleep helps reduce stress and keep our skin looking younger!!!!

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